Overstock.com CEO, Patrick Byrne: "I Write In Ron Paul." to Fox's Greta Van Susteren | THE JEENYUS CORNER

Marshall D. Culpepper

CEO Patrick Byrne, made it clear who he’s voting for on Fox’s On The Record.  The Chief Executive Officer of Overstock.com told Greta Van Susteren that he intends to write in Congressman Ron Paul’s name when casting his ballot on November 6th.  Byrne compared the nations economic troubles as having a cavity, and the failed stimulus policies of Bush and Obama as Novocaine.

Mr. Byrne did say that Mitt Romney would technically be a better “Dentist”.  However, the web-exec replied to Susteren’s inquiry about his voting plans on November 6. by saying; “I write-in Ron Paul. He’s the only one who understands the constitution and the benefits of a limited government.”

See the full interview with Patrick Byrne below:


SCGOP Chairman Chad Connelly: "I am as angry and as frustrated by these recent events as you." |

June 7th, 2012

Chad Connely. Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party

If you were not already aware, the South Carolina Supreme Court handed down a decision that has made an EPIC mess of the state’s upcoming June 12th Election.

Justices ruled Tuesday that Florence County Republicans incorrectly certified candidates who hadn’t properly filed economic disclosure papers.

This has caused a lot of dismay and frustration among not only registered republicans in the state, but for voters (like myself) who are independent conservatives.  This frustration was shared by Chad Connelly, the chairman of the SCGOP.  Mr. Connelly shared his thoughts on the issue via YouTube.